7 Things Payers Do To Become A Man Gentleman

If you are a gentlemen, then you certainly will work hard to make your partner feel protected and safe at your side. Of the various ways that exist, it turns out there are 7 signs that most indicate that you are a perfect gentlemen, the following 7 Things Payers Do To Become A Man Gentleman namely:

1. Walk On The Outside Leg Five
It seems trivial, but by being on the outside, and he is on the inside (further away from the traffic), he will be in a safe position, if there is a speeding car and across the pool of water, then you as a gentlemen would protect her and make her clothes intact and not damaged by water splashing earlier. Moreover, in this way, you protect him from traffic hazards that exist. Women will feel more protected by your actions that this warrior.

2. Let Him Sit Over First
First, a man would be expected to attract first chair for the couple, now the action is considered too formal. But it never hurts, you let him sit first. Standing a little longer will make him feel more respected, though perhaps he did not realize it. Do not be too clearly pointed this out, because often he will feel embarrassed. If this action is successful, then you will show that you want him to feel comfortable first.

3. Consider Your Language
One important point often missed by you, is a language that is sometimes too rough. A man should be proud to be able to demonstrate the expression without using abusive language. Not only this will demonstrate your intelligence, but also demonstrate high standards for yourself and to those around you. Oh yes, smart does not mean using complicated words that you do not believe really means yes! The important thing is do not be rude!

4. Bring Umbrellas
Actions of other gentlemen is to bring an umbrella, make sure the he stays dry, this is the best way to show commendable attitude. A gentleman will always be ready for a variety of weather, and one of them is an umbrella. If not there, and fitting the rain show that you are more interested in him by bringing umbrellas and protect it from rain. There is nothing wrong if you are wet, because this shows that you want to protect it.
5. Inter-Up Into House
This is a very important action for a gentlemen. Although not in line, but make sure she got home safely is your first priority. He will feel safe if he knows that you accompany her to the front door. This will raise your value in his eyes. Plus: if he stopped and did not get in, probably means he wants you to give a kiss, if not, do not force it!

6. Give Your Jacket
Sometimes on a date, wear the clothes that he was not thick enough to banish the cold night air bites or gusts of air conditioning. If you feel that this night is cold enough, soon to offer a jacket that you wear. He may refuse, but if he starts looking to feel cold, do not hesitate to offer anymore. You cold? Hold! it is your duty, he's not your main priority?

7. Offer Your Seat
A gentleman will never forget the stand and gave his seat on public transportation for the elderly or for pregnant women. Moreover, to date you, never forget to give your seat on the busway or other public vehicle. This shows that you take better care of her existence. Stand before offering your seat, this suggests an extra sincerity to him.

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