7 Main Personality A Psychopath

John Clarke doctorate, doctorate in psychology from the University of Sydney, Australia, who for years into criminal psychologist. Remembering the day when he was instantly aware that there may be a number of psychopaths in millions of offices around the world. "I'm delivering lectures psychology of crime and provide a list of psychopathic traits. When finished, a woman approached and said "you have just described my boss," he told German news agency (DPA).

Clarke is also the author of The Pocket Pscyho which contains a short guide on how to protect yourself from the organizational psychopath psychopathic states that not only in prison, in a courtroom, or in the thriller story. Psychopaths, both men and women, is being planned sly at work, around the world. Research suggests that one percent of the population of working adults is in place kenanya psychopath. Psychopaths like that exist in both large and small office, he's boardroom and in the shop floors.

The psychopath hiding by lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating, sacrifice, and destroying co-workers. Everything is done without guilt or remorse. Deeper, he considered, they are called organizational psychopaths, growing rapidly in the business world, because of their ruthlessness and lust are not they misunderstood as ambition and leadership skills, but also as something that is rewarded through promotions, bonuses, and wage increases.

Workplace psychopath will do anything to gain power, status, and the wages they want. "They think like a criminal psychopath. They tried as hard as their own sake. The difference is, a criminal psychopath physically destroys the victim, while the workplace psychopath destroys its victims psychologically, "he said.

Here are seven Primary Personality A psychopath that may be signaling a psychopathic personality disorder, namely:

1. Initially displays an interesting attitude, tend to made-up, charming, and cast a warm attitude. This is what makes people easy to believe, and with the belief that they are harming or deceiving his victims.

2. Thought she was the most important and should be privileged, all centered on him, just for me, mine anyway, just me and me.

3. Treatment often show impulsive (explosive), it is hard to delay and control the emotions. If you have the desire to be now, if you will not get angry or raging.

4. Friendships or social relationships are short, frequent partner change-change-change romance or changing jobs.

5. Often lie, cheat, and betray.

6. Less responsibility for his actions, dared to take risky decisions and can not learn from experience, always repeated, although it has been given a punishment or a warning.

7. Less able to feel the feelings of others, no matter that others are suffering.

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